Monday, December 28, 2009

My sisters Cat

My sisters cat is the funniest little thing! His nme is Tiger the one on the video! He Got fixed and he came home and we let him out of the cage and he started bumping into the walls. Then he fell asleep while he was eating! So we made him this other bed because his other bed he made a hairball on so we got him a pillow and a blanket and he snuggled down into his bed of paradaise!
You dont want to no what my cat did.


Please follow and comment on my blog any ideas would be wonderful

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Cats

These are pictures from Google Images. So they are not my cats but they look exactly like them!
I put this little together.

Smart Mind

Cats are known for being smart. How do you think that some cats survive in the wild such as Lions and tigers and cheetahs and bobcats and mountain lions and other cats of the wild and strays.

Even know some cats get run over it doesn't mean they are dumb.

You can not teach cats tricks like dogs because they have a mind of their own.

It does not mean there dumb too.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!!!!

Cutie cats want to too.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cool Cat games

Heres cool cat dressup games you can play.
by the way these games i got off of google


My cats name is Snowball he looks sort of like this, but he has blue eyes.
comment and say if you have a cat or not. If you do i can see who has a cat and who doesnt please say if you do or doent.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Websites you can go to is.

These websites dont have everything on cats but i have learned a lot on them.
Hi people!
Plese tell me if you have any ideas before my website falls apart and i forget about it!
Hi again
According to earliest records, the first sign of domestication of the cat dates back 8,000 years ago where bones of cats, mice, and humans were found buried together on the island of Cyprus. Apparently our early relatives brought both the cats and the mice to Cyprus with them—the cats on purpose, the mice perhaps as stowaways. That is really wierd please say!

My First

Hi peoples Cats are wierd awesome and wierd again look at these CRAZY CAT PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!